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The end of the year is the perfect time to organize your home to get ready for a fresh start in the new year! @byrdiebeauty shares some ways to tidy up your products. What is your favorite to organize your Liquid Skin Salve?
9 Life-Changing Ways to Tidy Up Your Beauty Collection
Don't let the cold and snow keep you and the kids inside. Stef over at Non-Toy Gifts shares some great outdoor activities for the winter months.

Seeing is believing! We talked to a customer who set out to find a solution for her dry cracked skin. Head over to our blog to hear about her experience.
Teacher’s aide is a huge fan of Sutton Family Skin Care products!
It's that time of year again when you go through your home to prepare for the long winter. Maureen of A Mess Free Life will show you the areas inside and out to go over before the weather sets in!
Have you ever wondered what type of skin you have?! Head over and take the quiz Sophie at My Awesome Beauty created to help you discover you skin type.
The weather is turning cooler and it's time to bring the outside in. Join Claire as shows you 10 great Autumnal DIY projects for your home.

Our blog series continues! In Part 2 we discuss that you may want to be careful when selecting a sunscreen! About two-thirds of sunscreens offer sub-par protection or contain ingredients that may harm your health. Head to our blog to read more!
Sunscreen is a hot topic during the summer! We've put together a 3 part blog series to breakdown all things #Sunscreen.⠀
Keep an eye out over the next week to learn how it works, what really is SPF, ingredients to avoid and how to get the best sun protection when you are outside.⠀
Part One: How Does Sunscreen Work
Have you always wanted to #compost but it seemed way too complicated? Edible Communities breaks it down and shows you how to build a compost bin. Treat your plants to some amazing compost and treat your hands with our Salves after all your hard work!
Looking for something fun to do this summer? Why not spread a little beauty with seed bombs! Edible Community shows you how.